...Introduction Electricity is produced through burning fossil fuels releasing enormous amounts of pollution into the air. Petrol and diesel in vehicles release fumes that pollute the air. Making simple vehicles out of recycled material...
...Focus To explore the full potential of a range of everyday objects using imagination and creativity. To find a new use for a used, broken or old object.What you need A workshop area and recycling centre. Tools such as a selection...
...Introduction A rich diversity of life is vital for species survival and for the wellbeing of an environment. Because birds are sensitive to habitat change, they are an important tool to measure the health of the environment. Children become...
...Focus The focus is on the thought and consideration that goes into caring for objects and that, when they break or deteriorate, we can explore opportunities to repair rather than immediately discard. It is not necessarily about perfect...
...Focus Children will realise that barriers can be used to raise awareness of something that needs protecting. Exploring the value of pathways and enclosures in protecting nature from humans, will allow children to develop their own thinking...
...Focus Working together as a community to grow, harvest and share produce to avoid waste. Creating a sustainable model through the concept of selling and purchasing new products with profits. Realising the health and other benefits...
...Introduction Wildflower meadows are seriously declining, they are one of the most diverse habitats with diverse species dependent on these for their survival. They are also an important part of the UK heritage. You don't need acres of land,...
...Focus Minimising the waste of water while caring for our gardens to allow the growth of plants, flowers, fruit and vegetables which will benefit living creatures including us as humans.What you need Clean plastic bottles with a screw top...
...Introduction Brightly coloured poster paints contain chemicals which may be harmful to the environment and to the children. Supporting children in finding and making their own natural paints is very rewarding, educational and safe...
...Introduction It is vital to use less electricity produced through burning fossil fuels releasing enormous amounts of pollution into the air. Raising awareness with young children that there are environmentally friendly and sustainable...
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