

  • Exploring and using media and materials
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...Introduction This activity is about self-assurance and confidence in the use of a tool for cutting. It's not about accurate cutting out.What you need Child's scissors (i.e. ‘safe’ scissors with rounded ends) Plenty of scrap paper (junk...
...What you need small sticks and twigs; string, raffia or elastic bands white tissue paper very liquid white glue and brushes flowers, petals, leaves and grass Thanks to Slough Centre Day Nursery, where I saw this idea.What you do Tie three...
...Focus Developing the concept of ‘if’ something happens ‘then’ there is a predicted outcome.What you need Musical instruments – percussion instruments work best, large pictures of the percussion instruments available and some simple...
...Introduction These activities recognise how our children are inspired and motivated to learn, and to then use this information to create exciting and purposeful opportunities for them to mark make and eventually write. They are activities...
...Introduction Making their own letters adds another dimension to learning about sounds. It enables children to feel the shapes of the letters as they make them, which will help with early writing.What you need Salt dough or clay Craft boards...
...Introduction Not only is finger painting great fun for children, but it also helps children to isolate single fingers, particularly their index or first finger, which will help with early writing skills. Using hands and fingers to feel...
...What you need a painting easel or a big board a sheet of white card a clear book covering film (sticky backed) thick felt pensWhat you do Draw an outline of the days of the week (see below). Cover the outline with sticky backed film. Pin...
...Introduction The ability to keep a steady beat is an essential skill in learning to read. It helps children transition from beginners to fluent readers.What you need Simple instruments, e.g. shakers, drums, or tambourinesHelpful hints...
...Introduction A mood board is an arrangement of images, materials, pieces of text, etc. intended to evoke or project a particular mood. Mood Boards are a good way to focus on one feeling at a time. The seven most important positive feelings...
...Introduction Music making, particularly getting involved in activities with a steady beat, helps build links between brain cells, co-ordination and listening skills.What you need Some musical baby wrist toys, e.g. bells and rattles. If you...