...The purpose of a log pile is to provide food, shelter and a breeding ground for a wide range of small invertebrates.Use the children’s investigations of the log pile as a starting point for a discussion.For example...
...What you do You can either make a compost heap or use a ready-made wooden or plastic composting bin. Put the compost bin in a shaded area which is accessible but not in the way. You can add leaves, grass cuttings, dead plants, fruit...
...Container vegetables Many vegetables can be grow in containers such as tubs, pots, grow bags and even old tyres. Plants that thrive in containers include: dwarf fruit trees runner beans lettuce tomatoes peppers aubergines chillies...
...Helpful hints ‘A day out’ could link with: ‘Things we use’, ‘Games and rhymes’, ‘On holiday’ and topics on ‘The Victorians’, neys’ and ‘Holidays’.Keywords holiday travel book form hot cold winter summer pack ticket suitcase moneyGetting...
...In the pond Developing a pond in your outdoor area will introduce a wide range of different native plants and animals to your setting. Ponds don’t need to be very big, or very deep, to be successful and will provide interest right through...
...Light Light is a form of radiation which is given out by a range of sources including the sun, electric and fluorescent light bulbs, fire and candles. Light travels in straight lines from its source in all directions. When it hits an object...
...Light Light is magical – and so is darkness. The magic of light is the touch on clouds of the rising or setting sun; the crisp, clear brightness of a sunny day; the excitement of lights at Christmas or Diwali; or the comforting flicker...
...What are they learning? This is a chance to use the book ‘The Wind Blew’ by Pat Hutchins to look at a story told using simple repetitive rhyme and then to develop the weather theme by setting up a weather news desk in the role play area...
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